Hurts the back to the inspire

The sensations of pain when you sigh

The pain in the division of the vertebral column when the inhaled air is a symptom of the inflammatory processes in the lung or pleura. In addition, this symptom may indicate degenerative violations of the andes (osteochondrosis). The back pain inspiratory may have different etymology. The intensity, the character of manifestation, the factors and the characteristics of the localization of this symptom we shall examine below.

The causes of pain

The pain in the back, which prevents you from doing a deep breathing, can arise due to many factors. The acute attack is capable of producing between or below the shoulders, in the back, the back to the right or to the left. The location of the discomfort depends on the disease that causes similar symptoms. To understand why it hurts your back, with a deep inhalation, you should know the possible diseases.

Many pathology thoracic can manifest infarcts acute in the upper part of the back. Often the discomfort between the shoulder blades, on the chest, under the shoulder blades occurs due to the development of these diseases, such as:

  • the osteochondrosis;
  • pleural effusion;
  • inflammation of the marrow of the muscles (myositis);
  • between the ribs neuralgia;
  • the inflammation of the lungs.

The pain from this type of ailment is acute, passes under the scapula. In addition, the pains are able to cover the entire rib cage. There are other symptoms, which will will help around determine the cause of the discomfort in the back.

The causes of pain when you sigh

For example, the court of pain in the division that occurs when inhaling and the movement is characteristic of the degenerative disc disease. The discomfort at the same time, which improves with the rising of weights, the shift, walking, change of posture. Normally, the relief begins at a resting state, lying on a level surface.

To the inflammation of the lungs, in addition to strong pain below the shoulder blades, it can be seen the temperature above 37, a cough, a small difficulty breathing. The man for a long time complain of the constant of general malaise, fatigue, and weakness. At this time, back discomfort can in a greater extent to demonstrate to the right or to the left. In addition, duplex inflammation of the lungs can cause back pain in the middle.

Between the ribs neuralgia is able to manifest itself in the chest of the right and the left. It all depends on the location of the infringement of the nerve root between the ribs. The pain with this disease, irradiation to the back, well you feel during palpation. The relief can come, if you lie on the contaminated zone side, i.e., the mobility of the phase decrease unpleasant attacks decrease.

Intense discomfort, with a deep inhalation, caused by malignant neoplasms, appears to result from the germination of a tumour in the protective layer of the lungs. In this period, we observed acute irradiation of the pain in the back. The tumor processes in the upper part of the back may appear strong attacks from the left and the right, but also in the middle of the back. It all depends on the location of malignancy of the seal and its degree of development.

Why do people get the back pain when breath
Pay attention! The cancer of the disease is manifested acute pain, in particular, with a deep breath, now in the final stages of your course. Prior to this, they may appear to cough with blood, malaise, weakness.
The pain in the lower back

Lumbar more annoyed often the person unpleasant sensations. This part of the spine suffer the most of all the loads on the spinal column, therefore, more than others suffer from various pathologies.

The pain in the low back, inspiratory can be caused by nerve injuries of appendages in the dead of the degenerative processes of the vertebrae (osteochondrosis). In addition, attacks of acute and sudden in nature (low back pain) are capable of producing of the bottom in the middle as a result of the sciatica.

It is worth noting that, in addition to disorders of the spine, pain in lumbosacral sacral region, with a deep breath you are able to experience a acute inflammation in the kidneys, infectious diseases, diseases of the organs of the pelvis. Intestinal problems can also appear discomfort in the back from behind in the middle.

If the pain in the lower back appeared to the right, we can talk about the problems with the organs of the urinary system of the woman. Often these demonstrations have a cyst in the right ovary. Different types of pain demonstrate the progression of the disease, and requires immediate treatment. The same can be and with the left unit. In this case, you can not delay the consultation of a specialist. Ignoring the symptoms can lead to an abscess or damage in the legs of the cysts, which, in turn, face serious complications.

The pain in the lower back when you sigh
Important! Frequent occurrence of pain in the low back at the time of the inspiration or movement can be a sign of dangerous illness in the body. In this case, it is recommended to perform the test.

The diagnosis

The pain of different intensity, and the prevalence of which appears with a deep breath can have many causes. Therefore, it is important to spend the diagnosis complex. At this time the doctors trying to study the possible factors that cause the pain, and with the help of the methods of the survey to determine the level of development of a disease.

  1. The study of biological material (blood from a vein, the finger, the study of the urine). This approach helps to determine the presence of inflammation in the body, and the severity of the pathology present.
  2. Hardware tools techniques (computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, x-rays, ekg) give the possibility of detecting the disease and its degree of development. In addition, the studies help to assess the state of the affected segment spinal or of an internal organ, as well as rule out other pathologies.

Integrated diagnosis is the key to the success of the treatment. Only after the discovery of the source of the back pain when breathing, the doctor may prescribe an appropriate treatment, which will be sent in a particular pathology.

The diagnosis of pain

The treatment of back pain when breathing in

The appearance of pain in the back, that's going to get worse with the inspiratory time, has a lot of factors to occur. Your solution depends on the real reason that causes such a symptom. In other words, the treatment is assigned after a thorough examination and determine the source of the shameful feelings.

Identified pathology are often treated with the following scheme:

  • the outrage of the pain syndrome (antispasmodics, analgesics);
  • removing the inflammation and edema in the affected portion (antibiotics preparations, medicines, tools, muscle relaxers);
  • the maintenance of the immune forces of the body – the appointment of a complex of vitamins (especially vitamins effective medicines of the group);
  • the appointment procedures, manipulative therapy, massage treatment and a specific diet (depending on the disease).
Note! All the necessary for the treatment of drug assigned by the doctor from the determination of the disease. Specialist combines several drugs. This approach allows you to achieve the best effect in the treatment of one or another pathology.
How to cure back pain when you sigh

Acute pain in the moment of inspiration – a dangerous sign of the pathological processes in the body. It is not recommended to self medicate, and without taking any pain relievers with the hope that the disease of this will disappear. In any unpleasant sensations in the back of the urgency of going to the doctor. This will help you to not run the disease, and to avoid unpleasant consequences.