Acupressure for headache

The headache is a symptom whose evolution may be due to a multitude of factors. It occurs due to a malfunction of the surge, brain, diseases of the brain and of the spinal system, hormonal changes and acquired severe infections. The character of the pain can be noted on the temporary error occurs in the body, or to indicate the development of dangerous diseases.

Primary short-term pain most people try to remove analgesics, without forgetting alternative, non-medicinal ways – the popular medicine, aromatherapy, reflexology, massage.

Is the reflex massage of the points is capable of quickly and effectively to reduce the feeling of pain in the head. Not cause body damage that involves the reception of chemicals, which is especially important for women during lactation and pregnancy. In this latter case, the methodology of acupressure, you must coordinate with the doctor, as well as the exposure of some points may cause a premature delivery.

How it works the massage

How it works the massage

The methodology of the massage of the points (acupressure) is one of the species of reflexology. Chiropractic massage or pressure on reflex point with the fingers of the hands. As a result, they activate neuroreceptors, located in the subcutaneous tissue throughout the body, and produces an impulse which sends the information to the brain. The reaction to a stimulus, in the case of a headache it becomes in the reduction of painful sensations, or their total disappearance.

In the human body is located not less than 750 studied the active points, responsible for the functioning of the whole organism. Them with the help of 17 of the main reflections of the points can influence pain syndromes of head, remove the pain of tension and migraine attacks.

The point can not be determined visually. The microscopic examination are seen in the form of accumulation of a large number of neurons. The features that can be found are the points of reference in the parts of the body and its feelings. When exposed to a point a person may experience the following:

  • the feeling of local pain or prostrelov;
  • it spreads the heat;
  • the numbness of the tissues around a point;
  • the emergence of the so-called "chills";
  • a feeling similar to that of the weak pulses of electrical current.

Find the reflexes of a point and remove the main headache for yourself, trusting in the described sensations. But if the pain syndrome acquires a permanent character and is accompanied by additional symptoms, it is imperative to consult a doctor and the consultation process of the causes of its manifestation.

The point in the head pain of head - in-the-face and the temple

The point on the head the headache

In the head is 8 of the main reflections of the points, massage which leads to the reduction of headache.

  1. The point situated on the upper part of the nose in the area of the "third eye", massaging with circular movements on both sides.
  2. Symmetric of a point that lies on the inner edge of the eyebrow. It is necessary to find a small hole in the cranial bone and at the same time massaging it with circular movements on both sides.
  3. The point located symmetrically just above the edge of the end of the eyebrow.
  4. Symmetric of a point, located in a small hole in the beginning of the curl of the ear. The impact she makes it easy pressure.
  5. Point, of symmetrical shape, with headquarters in the scalp above the upper edge of the ear, massaging with circular movements. To do so, it is necessary for the index finger put on the point that is the beginning of the curl the ear, finger ring installed at the point which is located just above the outer edge of the eyebrow with the middle finger is placed on the therapeutic of the area.
  6. The point situated on the deepening of low occiput. Massage with circular movements without strong pressure.
  7. Symmetric of a point that is located at the place of assembly of the cervical vertebrae to the skull. Crush the slight movements, when exposed to them, the patient may experience painful or unpleasant.
  8. The point in the head headache in the back of the neck and the crown of the head
  9. Sensitive the point located at the crown of the head. To designate, you must place the index fingers, ear infection sinks and pass them to the top through time-series hillocks. The point sought will be found in the center of the head at the meeting point of the index fingers. The massage is done with circular movements, or easy pressure.

The point of a headache in the hand

Remove attacks of headache can be with the help of massage, 3 reflex points located symmetrically in the hands. To achieve the effect we must act in point of the two hands, massaging it in a row.

  1. The point is in the connection of your index finger and thumb. Look in a small hole in this area: the outer side of the palm, placing the thumb of the other hand, with the inside – your index finger. After the onset of pain of the fingers should be strongly drop. The impact is the point hotel on pregnant women because it can cause preterm labor.
  2. The point is located in the cleavage between two bones of the forearm: radial and ulnar. To do so, it is necessary to depart from the folds of the wrist at a distance equal to the width of the three cross-cutting of the fingers.
  3. The point is in the crease of the elbow. The hand bent in the elbow and gently massage the edge of the folds of the outer part.
  4. The point on the arm of a headache

The point of a headache in high

The main reflexes of a point, an impact which also helps to remove the pain of the head, symmetrically in the feet. The massage at the same time, with circular movements or pressure, the patient should sit comfortably.

  1. The point is located on the second finger, to 2 mm above the base of the nail.
  2. The point is in the base of the fifth finger in a small hole in the outer face.
  3. The point is located between the fifth and the fourth with the finger. To do so, from the base of the fingers to measure a distance equal to one as to the finger.
  4. The point is 3 mm above the base of the nail of the first finger, and moves slightly toward the second toe.
  5. The marked point on the outer side of the foot between the second and the first finger, over your basis in two cross-sectional finger.
  6. The point is located on the side of the inner part of the foot, the one closest to the tibia, in the area to the highest point of the vault. For the massage you should find a small hole.


Despite the effectiveness of acupressure acute treat pain syndromes, there are disease and the patient's condition, which is strictly prohibited. The main indications against your destiny are:

The point at the foot of a headache
  • The development of tumors, irrespective of the place of localization and etiology.
  • The aggravation of chronic pathologies (peptic ulcer disease of the digestive organs, tuberculosis).
  • Infectious diseases and viral, which are accompanied by high fever.
  • Diseases of the heart and of the vessels, after a heart attack and after a stroke.
  • Serious pathology of the internal organs, that have caused the decline of their functioning.
  • Mental disorders in the phase of exacerbation.
  • The acute pain and incomprehensible nature, and origin.
  • Age criteria: children under 1 year of age and persons older than 70 years.
  • The second half of pregnancy (during this period, the massage can lead to premature birth).
  • Diseases of the blood.
  • The menstrual cycle in women.
  • The alcoholic intoxication.
  • The exhaustion caused by serious exercise.
  • The dependence of the weather conditions (it is not recommended to perform the massage of the active points when sudden changes of the atmospheric pressure).

During the course of treatment massage points should be to limit the number of food products and the realization of some procedures. Not recommended to take a hot bath and a sauna, as well as consuming spicy food, strong tea, coffee, alcoholic beverages.

The fulfillment of all the indications, prescriptions of the professionals and technicians perform the massage will help to reduce the sensation of pain to the parent of the nature arising in the head. If the exposure to a point of no facilitates the state or worsens, you should contact the specialists, and find the cause of your headaches.