Why painful lymph nodes in the neck

Why painful lymph nodes in the neck

The most important function of the lymphatic system of the human body protection against toxins, pathogens, and viruses. The main elements of this system are the lymph nodes, the size of which in the standard are not larger than a pea.The lymph nodes contain white blood cells and yellow fluid (lymph).The last rinsing, the cells of all organs, isolating pathogens, and altered cancer cells in the lymph nodes. This mechanism for the spread of the infection in the body and the growth of malignant tumors delay.

More directly in the lymph nodes of the destruction of cancer cells, viruses, and germs lymphocytes, the start is active. The slight increase in the lymph nodes can mean that he is more actively work in connection with the onset of the disease. If pain is the end of the lymph nodes in the neck, it is about the development of the inflammatory process in the immediate vicinity.

The causative agent of the disease is able to penetrate into the lymph nodes in the following way:

  • Hematogenous Way.
  • Through the lymph.
  • Pin Way.
This reaction of the organism has the title of lymphadenitis. Diseases of the lymphatic system require the special attention of the physician, as is always the companion of a serious illness. It is therefore necessary, in a timely manner for qualified medical help.

Causes cervical lymphadenitis's

Lymph nodes in the neck is often one-sided. It comes in the first defeat to formation, in the vicinity of an inflammatory or infectious stove. If enlarged lymph nodes provoke growth of the tonsils, salivary glands, near the ears, lacrimal glands, then you must immediately consult a doctor.

Causes of cervical Lymphadenitis

If the lymph nodes are enlarged in the neck for a couple of months, then a doctor can suspect the presence of malignancy. In such cases, there is a sharp decrease in the elasticity of the lymphatic vessels, which increase the involvement in the pathological process all of the nearby lymph nodes. Even the lymph nodes in the grip, different pain.

To do so, an increase in the lymph nodes the following reasons:

  • Bacterial, fungal, and viral infections (Ari, acute tonsillitis, tuberculosis, chickenpox, Influenza, toxoplasmosis, rubella, Stomatitis, Otitis Media, dental caries, periodontal disease).
  • Parasites.
  • Mechanical Injury.
  • The Human Immunodeficiency Virus.
  • Reduced Immunity. Current diseases, Stress, hypothermia, lack of vitamins can to a lymphadenitis. Common infectious diseases lead to a chronic lymphadenitis.
  • Auto-Immune Diseases.
  • Toxins in the blood.
  • Oncology. The development of lymphadenitis can be a consequence of the emergence of tumors of the lymphatic tissue.
  • Rarely lymphadenitis cause: alcoholism, disorders of the thyroid gland or metabolism.

Individually such reasons lymphadenitis's can:

  • Allergic to drugs.
  • Allergic to the poisons of insects.
  • The immune response to the vaccination.

In such cases, lymph node swelling, marked pain, possible swelling of the face, fever, chills.

Classification of the disease

Different stages of lymphadenitis's differ depending on the symptoms: Classification of the disease
  1. Aching lymph nodes in the neck easily, on Palpation due to their low increase. The Patient can celebrate weakness, headache, and increased temperature in the body for a long time.
  2. Lymph nodes increased significantly, is determined visually (the size varies from that of a pea to egg), pressure pain, during swallowing. The Patient complains of weakness, increased body temperature, pain during rotation with the head, loss of appetite, headache.
  3. Severe pain and redness in the area of the lymph nodes show the development of purulent inflammation. The Patient has a high temperature (up to 40 C), fever, chills, a bad mood, apathy, nausea, and vomiting Constant headaches, dizziness, a note on a serious intoxication of the organism.

In chronic lymphadenitis, the symptoms described above can be missing. The diagnosis of the pathology is very problematic, because the lymph nodes can almost not noticeable on the skin. In such cases, no treatment is leads to progressive, irreversible Degeneration of the cervical lymph nodes.

Cervical lymphadenitis in childhood

Inflammation of the lymph nodes is widely used in children, the common colds often sick. The inflammatory process may occur even in its infancy, but in such cases, the diagnosis of the node is difficult. In the case of children often enough lymph nodes are going during a cold, and even after the recovery. Also, remember that some of the lymph nodes due to its special location (the individual characteristics of the child) can only be enlarged to appear and need no treatment.

Reasons for the development of lymphadenitis in children is pretty much the most widespread: Reasons for the development of Lymphadenitis in children
  • Bacterial and viral infection (Angina, Influenza, toxoplasmosis, mononucleosis).
  • The response to the vaccination.
  • Damage to the skin (scratching, cats, rodents).
You think of it!
If the lymph nodes interferes with the child for a longer period of time for no apparent reason, then a inflammation in the body. Final diagnosis and to appoint effective treatment it's only the doctor, after performing the appropriate diagnosis can be made.

Lymphadenitis in pregnant women

A particular risk will be borne by inflammation of the lymph nodes during pregnancy, because this disease can leave negative consequences for the body of the mother and for the fetus. The provoking disease occurs due to the reduction of the immunity of women during the incubation of the child, to the same factors. In such cases, occur in the selection of medicines can be difficulties.

To treat during pregnancy is strictly prohibited lymphadenitis. You should consult a doctor who will be able to pinpoint the cause of the inflammation, the most effective and safe drugs. About your health and at the first unpleasant symptoms better to consult a professional.
The basic methods of diagnostics of the pathology

The basic methods of diagnostics of the pathology

There are more than a hundred different diseases, the response of the lymphatic system can cause. It is therefore necessary to make a differential diagnosis of the pathology, the attention to minor symptoms.

Today, the most affordable and informative method of diagnosis is an ultrasound examination (sonography). It allows you to determine the size and shape of the lymph nodes, to assess the structure, in some cases, the type of lesion formations. For example, herpetic infection multiple lymph nodes leads to an increase in at the same time.

It is important to understand that the possibilities of ultrasound is limited, so to confirm the diagnosis, it may require additional clinical and laboratory investigations:
  • The clinical analysis of blood.
  • MRI.
  • The Computer Tomography.
  • Radiography.
  • Biopsy of the lymph nodes with the implementation of the subsequent histological examination of the tissue.
X-ray method is effective only under the condition of calcification limfouzla, that is to say deposits in the lymphoid formations of calcium salts. For such changes a few years or a pronounced metabolic disorders.


If painful lymph nodes in the neck, should the therapy treatments to effectively eliminate the inflammation and all signs of pathology. The treatment should be chosen strictly individually, depending on the cause of the disease and its stage. It is important to remember, that to combat the lymphatic System is a physiological protective shield for the body with the ability to produce lymphocytes, which are able to be pathogens of diseases of different nature (viruses, bacteria, parasites). Therefore, with a simple inflammation of the body is able to cope alone.

Treatment If lymph nodes will hurt for a long time on the background of General intoxication of the organism, so far, the following scheme of treatment:
  • Reduction in physical activity, bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids.
  • The use of anti-inflammatory agents, the use of a mild anti-bacterial effect. In the case of ineffectiveness of the use of steroidal medications.
  • The additional use of pain relievers and anti-bacterial broad-spectrum against the background of firming agents, the ingestion of Vitamin preparations, the recovery accelerated.
  • Possible is the use of the methods as adjunctive therapy is: gargling with a decoction of herbs (chamomile, calendula), which allows local influence on the inflammation. It is important to remember that the folk medicine can act only as an additional treatment.
  • Correction of the diet. You increase the amount of nutritional vitamins, fruit and vegetables (onion included, citrus fruit) that help in the fight against infections, and dairy products add.
  • Allocation of UHF-therapy reduces the duration of the recovery. This therapeutic technique is based on the effect of electromagnetic fields of extremely high frequencies on the inflamed area.
  • In the absence of timely medical care in advanced clinical cases of surgical treatment (lumbar puncture excision of the lymph nodes) or full.
In the case of lymphadenitis, the lymph nodes can not be heated, grind and apply on the affected area of the iodine. These measures can provoke the spread of the infection to increase the risk of brain lesions.

The most important prevention measures

Specific prophylaxis lymphadenitis's not exists, because this disease is associated with polyetiological diseases (pathology, development for many reasons).

The most important prevention measures However, the inflammation of the lymph nodes to prevent the following measures:
  • The correct, regular resilience.
  • Maintaining the health of the immune system.
  • Timely treatment of acute infectious diseases, which will not let you go in the chronic Form.
  • Maximum cooling possible and stay in the cold air.
  • You reduce the risk of injuries, infections of the wounds.

It is important to remember that all of the complaints in the area of neck, nape of the neck and under the jaw in the majority of cases, to worrying signs. The lymph nodes in the neck size increase and pain only for important inflammatory process. The avoidance of radical surgery must consult in case of pain, immediately see a specialist, and the compliance with all regulations.