5 diseases that masquerade as back pain

The fans to warm up ill back you have to know that your pain may actually have completely different origin and heat up something in such a case, it is not only useless, but dangerous at times. Back pain can be caused by problems in the organs of the pelvis. For example, the women is is linked with painful periods (its causes) and the welds, and with cysts in the ovaries, inflammation of the appendages, endometriosis, and even with an ectopic pregnancy, which is required because of an emergency. Heating, in all these cases, are prohibited.

Find out if all is in order in the organs of the pelvis, is possible with the help of an ultrasound.

Where to go with pains in the back?

the back pain

Traditionally, back pain in our country it is the custom of going to a doctor-nevrologu. This is not always correct and not necessarily: the pain in the spine can "see" any of these professionals – doctor physical therapy, physician, surgeon, or a therapist.

The prostate gland

Men when you see the back pain, it is worth remembering, if you do a lot of that check the state of the prostate. The fact that the symptoms of chronic prostatitis may be the pain not only in the lower part of the abdomen and in the crotch, but in the lower part of the back – and often this happens at the same time.

If the loin pain of the older men of that age and unknown state of the prostate gland, is worth a visit to a urologist.

The kidneys

Pain in the lower back may not have any relation with the back for she often take pain in the kidneys. This is the reason for the penalty was suspect, if your back hurts on the sides, approximately in those places where they stack on the palm of the hand, if you lie them on their back. It is better to think of the kidneys, if the loin pain on one side. But whatever the nature of the pain – she's pulling, or, on the contrary, the court, – if, she has appeared in the lumbar region, and the kidneys, it is necessary to check in any case.

In order if the kidneys, presenting a urine analysis and an ultrasound.

Do not brush!

Exactly you need a doctor if

  • the back pain does not pass, when you lie down, and your back hurts at night;
  • at the bottom of the pain is the improvement of the temperature of the body;
  • the pain in any department of the vertebral column originated after the injury;
  • you are younger than 18 and older than 60 years;
  • you have recently had an infection;
  • in addition to back pain, you mark the numbness of the extremities;
  • you are taking hormonal drugs;
  • before you are administered treatment of cancer.


The pain in the division of the vertebral column (what people normally describe as "pain between the wings") can be related to problems in the functioning of the heart – until the myocardial infarction. Especially alarming symptoms: pain is accompanied by cough or any breathing problems. However, it does not increase, as in the case of a patient with neuralgia. The ambulance you need, and in the case of the pain shed and is not capable of showing hurt place, if his nature does not depend on the pose (pain in the spine usually responds to the posture, can be heard or deleted when you change the position of the body), if she does not change the friction or massage, if the pain feels more like a pain in the chest and not on the back. All of this says "in favor" of a heart attack.

As a minimum, in these cases, it is necessary to conduct an electrocardiogram, and a series of other tests in cardiology, if the emergency situation.


The back may ache, and due to the marginalization by part of the organs of digestion. For example, a symptom of the acute pancreatitis are so-called surrounding pain, when it hurts not only the stomach but also around the back below the shoulders, as if the body in this place, tied to an iron ring. Give low a spatula can and pain, which are in reality the stones in the gallbladder. Pain in the lower back sometimes and gut. However, in such cases, in addition to painful sensations, there are other symptoms – such, in which you can guess where it hurts to reality. For example, the ulcer pain always somehow linked to the intake of food or occurs with an empty stomach or after that in it there is the food. Cholecystitis is often the bitterness in the mouth. And the same way with any other disease gastrointestinal: in addition to pain, there is usually something specific.

Clarify if you are the pain in the back, in fact, the signs of the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, use the same methods that are used for the diagnosis of diseases of the digestion, ultrasound, gastroscopy, blood tests, stool, etc

How to understand that it is not so with the spinal column

Back pain is a universal explanation, many and settle down: is the osteochondrosis. In reality, this is not a disease and does not explain all the diagnosis, but simply the ascertainment of a fact: in the vertebral column is produce degenerative processes, that with age it can detect almost any person. In fact, the pain, even if they are not related to injuries of the internal organs, may be due to the mass of the root causes: this may be a problem with the bones of the spine, with intervertebral discs, muscles, nerves, spinal cord, etc., As a general rule, the full information here can provide magnetic resonance imaging, however, the entire population to submit to this study, doctors do not recommend – especially without direction, trying own money "to check all the time." Magnetic resonance imaging was performed for each department of the spine – cervical, thoracic, or lumbar spine, and in particular what there is to see (and if necessary at all), knows that only the doctor.

However, keep in mind that to elucidate the cause of the back pain is not always – sometimes a question, why do I hurt myself, and still no answer.

This can lead to back pain

  • The rise and weight transfer;
  • Many hours of driving the machine;
  • Individual;
  • The long-term work in sitting and standing;
  • Obesity;
  • The stress and depression.

And this is the prevention:

  • The training of the muscles of the back and abdomen;
  • A comfortable chair with the support of the lumbar area;
  • The ability to customize the chair in the car;
  • The correct weight lifting (with the support of the feet);
  • The quality of the mattress and a good pillow;
  • The normal weight.