What to do if you suffer from back pain

That cold on the street, the more time you spend in the office or at home — hello, the sedentary lifestyle and bad back. For that I had not felt sad, and hard, to tell you what to do. To the word, even if you're not suffering from pain, all of this is useful for prophylactic purposes.

The causes of the

The back pain

Before you do anything, you have to understand the causes of pain. If it occurs regularly, this is probably due to the fact that you too in training, or simply a lot of time to spend in the same posture. In addition to back pain may be brought on by stress. Then these methods will help you. Of course, you can still add to the painkillers and the ointment — but by the recommendations of he, better consult a doctor.

If the pain is constant, especially in the lower part — the cause may be a problem with the kidneys or the sexual organs, and it is best to consult a doctor. This is worth doing if the pain gets worse when coughing or sudden movement or give in the limbs.

The correct position

You will be surprised, but, perhaps, the cause of your pain lies in how you feel in the place of work, and you can delete it by five minutes. It is likely that you are seeing on the monitor from top to bottom — because of this beginning to hurt the neck and shoulders. Just lower the seat down or put the monitor a little higher — for example, by placing it under him on the book. The relief will come already after a minute.

The training in the room

For back pain it is very important to "disperse" the blood, stretch and strengthen the muscles. Create a sort of corset around the spine and help keep the body. Train in the living room, under the supervision of specialists. It is better to choose the kinds of sports that combine the stretching and a little physical effort, but without sudden movements.

To the swimming pool. The swimming is excellent unloading of the spine and relieves the pain. When you're in water, you involved deep muscle layers, that is very good for strengthening the "corset". Due to the fact that in this process of breakfast across the body, thanks to the swimming it is easy to get in shape. Yes and, finally, swim so much better than snorting in the treadmill.

Pilates classes. Another sport we love to all of you who are concerned about the health of your back. During the exercise it relates to special machines. In each of them there are elements with the springs that make any exercise applying traction very effective.

The training of the home


To solve the problem of back not leaving the house, you can make exercises of a course of physiotherapy exercises. Below are some of the that help to relieve the tension.

The elevations of the pelvis. Lie on the back, right hand along the trunk and lift up the pelvis. Ideally, do it slowly and little by little — a little rounding of the back when lifting and returning to its original position. Without fanaticism—, it is enough to make between 15 and 20 times.

The swallow at the knee. Another exercise that will help stretch the deep muscles — the swallow at the knee. First, alternatively, you can make mahi an arm and a leg — again, it will be enough 15. Then, fix the body of the static — in all you can stand.

The stretch. Stretch need the whole body, including the back. Of course, no one expects you to fold in the wheel, but mahi and applying traction can not be denied.

Torque. More to shear stresses by traction, add the twist that you can do and foot, and knees. Positive and what that refers not to the back, waist will be the fire.


If the forces of the training session does not have, before trying to enter the ranks of the lovers of physical activity, enjoy a massage. Only clearly mark the wizard, in what area of pain and with the one that started it all — so it will be easier to help you. And yes, it is very likely that during the procedure you will be hurt, but then flies from the inside of the wings. For example, you can make an appointment at the energy in one spa or massage cupping — it's going to hurt, but the blood will be in the moment.



Another procedure that will help you to get rid of the pain and, in general, to rebalance the body with acupuncture, still known as the acupuncture. This way to get rid of any type of disease appeared in china in ancient times. It is based on the theory that through us spend special meridians, which relate with the organs. And if the communication between them breaks, which are beginning to hurt. Therefore, at the point where something has gone wrong, a needle is placed, in order to establish this energy of communication.


In the treatment of back pain it is recommended to take vitamins of group b, especially b1 (benfotiamine) and b6 (pyridoxine). Thanks to them, we improve the processes of change in the loins, and you feel much better. Optional immediately run to the pharmacy — you can simply make adjustments in your diet. B1 look in the cabbage, carrot, peanuts, peas, soy, oranges, and b6 — in the garlic, walnut, walnut, tuna, chicken, salmon, pistachios.