The back pain between shoulder blades: causes, treatment

The pain, which manifests itself in any part of the body – abnormal. Therefore, if you observe the presence of long pain in your body, then, without hesitation, contact a specialized doctor.

back pain between the shoulder blades

With the pain in the back between the shoulder blades, you can pretty much suffer, before getting a correct diagnosis. Not always you can contact with problems of the spine.

The cause of the pain may be in muscles, interscapular area, the ligaments as well as tendons.

But if the pain is severe and does not pass after you change the position of the body, the causes may be the diseases of the heart, as well as problems with the spine, etc

The disease, which is characterized by pain in the back between the shoulder blades?

Pain between the shoulder blades of the person can be accompanied by some disease. In case if you felt numbness, tingling, feeling of frosting, can be symptoms of the following diseases:

  • the kyphosis;
  • kyphoscoliosis;
  • ischemic disease of the heart;
  • angina pectoris;
  • the scoliosis;
  • spondiloarthrosis;
  • the herniated disc of the spine in the chest area;
  • the neuralgia intercostal;
  • colitis disease of the duodenal or gastric ulcers.

In most cases, the occurrence of the contaminants in the pain between the ribs occurs due to the long exercise of the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

In this sense, typists, seamstress, programmers and other professionals with the most sedentary of life are the most susceptible to the onset of these pains between the vanes.

It is necessary to emphasize that the department of the vertebral column-thoracic sedentary. In this sense, important calcifications of the changes that it does not occur. But there are cases in the. Therefore, you must undergo x-rays of the survey. As well, the back pain between shoulder blades more frequently it can occur due to a prolonged load on the muscles interscapular area.

It is worth noting that the back pain between the shoulder blades, associated with the tendons and ligaments, to feel a man very different.

Competent doctors who can help in the treatment of pain between the shoulder blades

Depending on what is the cause of pain in the back, your disposal you can practice the following doctors:

  • the cardiologist;
  • the neurologist;
  • orthopedic surgeon;
  • the rheumatologist;
  • the gastroenterologist;
  • the therapist;
  • chiropractor.

Causes of back pain between the shoulder blades

Now, let us see what the reasons are long to be back pain between the shoulder blades. Speaking of pains in the back, with great probability assert that it is related to a posture of the person, as a result, with the curvature of the spine (scoliosis).

It is also very common the pain, the cause of osteochondrosis thoracic and cervical departments of a backbone. In addition, accompanied by back pain can spondiloarthrosis of the division of chest. A little less often found close to people, the pain associated with the interior of the diseases.

the treatment of pain

Scoliosis is the result of what the man wears the wrong image of the life. Some people can be a lot of time standing in a particular posture, therefore, the load of a group of muscles of the neck and the spine.

On the osteochondrosis of the spine, shall we say, which develops in the majority of cases, when multiple lesions of the intervertebral discs, deformation, exfoliacin of the inflammation.

The location of the disease can be in any part of the spine. It is worthwhile to pay attention to the fact that the osteochondrosis can be combined with scoliosis, and so on, Appear diseases can cause pain between the shoulder blades in the back.

In addition, back pain can happen due to pneumonia (inflammation of lungs), as well as in other lung diseases. That is why doctors recommend to do periodically fluorography of the chest. Once in a while there is pain in the back between the shoulder blades, related to disorders in the functioning of the heart. In these cases you should also, without delay, to go to the doctors.

The treatment of the pain between the shoulder blades in the back

To relieve back pain between shoulder blades people are mostly turning to physical therapy techniques, medications, and physical therapists. It is widely used in the treatment of pain anti-inflammatories (not steroids).

The physiotherapy techniques very often can be applied in conjunction with drug therapy. In the concept of the therapy with medicines can lead to the ultrasound, electrophoresis lidazy and magnetic therapy, laser treatment, quiroprctica, acupuncture, massage, spa treatment, electrotherapy. It is worth noting that, in each case, the doctor prescribes a unique treatment, the ideal is the right combination of tools for a speedy recovery.

Well helps to relieve the back pain also therapeutic exercise. It is assigned the doctor at that time, when there is a recession pain syndromes. During the course of the physical culture medical, the patient will assimilate the exercises. Should be conducted periodically, every day, and in the future, after the recovery.

On the advice of the doctors, absolutely all people need to learn to create comfortable conditions for the muscular work of the body, properly, follow, follow your posture (body position), to sleep in advisable conditions, be physically active.

As one should lead a good life?

Since early childhood the parents have told us that they should lead a righteous life, not to drink alcoholic beverages, do not smoke, do, do sport, etc, However, not all the people know now the principles of a healthy lifestyle. Without doubt, quitting drinking, smoking is an important step on the path to a healthy life. The need to address in a more complete and comprehensive of the question.

In this sense, it is also necessary to control your diet, be educated, etc

What products to exclude from your diet?

On healthy eating you can talk for a long time, because this is a topic always present. For your body to normally operate, it is necessary to exclude from the daily diet the following blow:

  • of sweets, as well as pasta;
  • sugar;
  • the butter;
  • chocolate;
  • sausages;
  • fast food products;
  • some types of concentrated fruit.

What foods can be eaten every day?

  • fish: trout, mackerel, salmon;
  • meat: veal, beef;
  • poultry: turkey, chicken;
  • fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • nuts;
  • fermented milk products: curds, kefir, yogurt;
  • cheeses: mozzarella, Dutch, gouda, mozzarella, Adyghe.
the prevention of the

It is also advisable to maintain a proper routine of food intake, i.e., eating only combo of products, and do not get in himself everything that is on the table, as I had anticipated the system power supply (beetroot soup, potatoes with meat and pudding).