Throw the pain in the lower back: causes and treatment

The symptoms such as pain in the lumbar region, the sign of almost every person. Especially often he faces the female part of the population. In some cases, pulling pain in the lower back is not dangerous, since it is related to the uncomfortable position of the body during a long seat or sleep. But if the discomfort bother you more and more, it is worth seeing a doctor to find the cause of this symptom. For this purpose it requires a thorough examination. Often, these symptoms, as the pulling pain in the lower back, in the lower part of the abdomen or in the iliac areas, speak of the chronic inflammatory process. Also the discomfort can be related to the pathologies of the spine. When the pains in the lower part of the back should not self-medicate, because the causes can be many. To begin with, we must find out why they have appeared, and only after that, remove the cause.

the back pain

Where does it come from-pulling pain in the lower back?

Complaints in which the sensation of pain in the lumbar region you can listen to very often. In the majority of cases they annoy the women, but are often seen in men. More often pull the pain in the lower part of the back appear after the person is too long in a sitting position. Then, the patients complain that they can't straighten the back. Generally these symptoms are characteristic of diseases of the spine, and in particular the degenerative disc disease and arthritis lumbar of the division. Less frequently you can observe this pathology, such as ankylosing spondylitis. Another name of the disease behtereva.

In some cases, pulling the back pain is related to inflammatory processes in the kidneys. The most common form is the pyelonephritis. It is a disease usually begins at an early age, more often among the female population. Other kidney disease is an autoimmune and difficult-to-treat – glomerulonephritis. With he also produces pain in the lumbar area. In some cases, the discomfort occur when the pathology of the internal organs.

Pulling pain in the lower back and in the lower part of the belly of women

Gynecological diseases is another of the causes of low back pain. In this case, the inflammation covers the organs of the pelvis. It is usually one of the fallopian tubes and the ovaries. But, in spite of the inflammation of appendages, the pain appears not only in the lower part of the womb, but also in the waist area. Gynecological diseases a lot. The cause can be bacterial, as viral infections of the genital tract. Normally gynecological pathology are transmitted through sexual contact, but it is not always so. In some cases, the cause of the infection of the genitourinary tract in places are: the lack of personal hygiene, seat on cold surfaces, failure of the immune system. Throw the pain in the lower back when the disease can be one, and of two parts. For the intensity are not very strong, tend to appear suddenly and to calm down. When participation in the inflammatory process of the bladder appear dysuric disorder. In addition to the lumbar unpleasant sensations always cover the lower part of the stomach. These disorders include: pain when urinating, pains, small portions of the selection of liquid.

Differential diagnosis with the bad feelings in the lumbar area

To find out the causes of the pulling pain in the lower back, you have to pass the exam. Usually, the discomfort associated with diseases of the kidneys, or the spine. Play an important role in the proof, the extent, location and nature of the pain. If you cover a part of the back, it can be due to pyelonephritis, the inflammation of the appendices of the women, rare to find in the same pose inconvenience. When the pain of the entire surface of the lower part of the back supposed diseases of the spine, glomerulonephritis, cystitis, etc .. Also the unpleasant sensations may be related to menstruation or pregnancy.

Pain in the lower part of the back: laboratory of instrumental diagnostics

The exact cause of the onset of lumbar pain can be known only after the survey. Often the local doctor makes conclusions about the nature of the disease, and then assigns the laboratory and survey instruments. If palpation of the kidneys is detected, your pain, you must do a urine analysis. The presence of leukocytes or protein is the indication for performing an ultrasound of the kidneys. If there is a suspicion of genital infections in the patient are directed to a gynecologist. Often, the pain in the lower part of the back are derived from the osteochondrosis or osteoarthritis). In both cases it is necessary to make x-rays of the spine. For more precise definition of informality is prescribed the ct scan back. Only after the completion of all the diagnostic procedures you can find out the cause of the pain.

the treatment of the back

How to eliminate the pain in the lumbar region

If you have appeared to throw in the pain in the lower back, then it is worth consulting a doctor. Only after determining the cause of the diseases, prescribes the treatment. Renal pathology is applied to the medication therapy. Pyelonephritis is treated with antibiotics and anti-media. When autoimmune infection used corticosteroids and cytostatic drugs. For the treatment of gynecological pathologies are applied to the combined treatments. In diseases of the spine is necessary for a comprehensive treatment. To him bring massage, manual treatments and reflexology, anti-inflammatory. To resolve strong discomfort in the lumbar region, it is recommended that drugs with an analgesic action. Also prescribed physical therapy procedures.

The prevention of low back pain

To avoid the onset of back pain, I need time to cure chronic diseases of the urinary organs, sanitize foci of infection (when the angina, sinusitis, caries). It is also important to take vitamins and immunomodulatory drugs. The compliance of the personal hygiene and protected sex can help to prevent infectious diseases of gynecological pathologies. In lesions of the spinal column, arthrosis and osteochondrosis contraindicated the use of hard physical work. At the time of aggravation of these diseases should seek medical attention.