The pain in the side were never the messengers of good weather or the unexpected luck. In most of them speak of what the person suffers from any disease, which, often, not knowing. The causes can be very different, but, be that as it may, it is always necessary to consult a specialist.

Try as fast as possible to visit the clinic, especially in the case of that if you feel pain in the right side, radiating to the back. This discomfort can talk about what you are having problems with the kidneys. Maybe you have a nerve, problems in the lungs, the liver, the gallbladder, the pancreas. All of these diseases can lead to bad results, does not rule out even the death.
If you have pain on the right side, radiating to the back, accompanied by the bitterness in the mouth, fever, weakness, dizziness – visit your doctor immediately. It is also necessary to know that the immediate transport of the patient to the specialists require and the symptoms such as acute pain in the right side of the user, that appeared very suddenly and does not stop over half an hour, or impurity of the blood in the urine. About the fact that you have problems with the lungs, tell you also shortness of breath, dizziness, upset stomach, fever, vomiting. Pain in right side radiating to the back, in comparison with these symptoms may not seem so terrible. At least, in comparison with other sensations.
In addition, women feel, and other causes of pain in the right side of the user. In the back, frequent urination, sharp pain – these symptoms may be signs of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, in addition to the urgency of diagnosis, it is necessary a careful review and examination of the doctorate. It is possible, on the right side of the user in the pregnant woman pain from hepatitis b, pyelonephritis, appendicitis, and much more. All of this is very harmful influence on fetal development.
Advanced adults, women know that during these pains, you go to the popular medicine. What to do if you are diagnosed with a disease in the pancreas or gallbladder? Eliminate fatty, salty, fried, treble products from your diet. At rest, the body will continue to receive the boiled potatoes, white meat. With this power pain will soon pass.
If the problem is in the spleen, the help will come from the cooking of rosa mosqueta. In addition to the treatment, this broth is able to carry out a good prevention. It also restores the functioning of the spleen juice of grated carrots, beets, radish.
This could be a problem in the liver. In this case, you can take five approaches of the spoon of honey with cinnamon before eating and after. The mixture of olive oil, honey, apple cider vinegar, the juice of lemon also cleanse the liver.
In spite of the mass of the drug in the pharmacy, folk medicine and the advice of friends, do not forget about the treatment from a specialist. Since the pain in right side radiating to the back, may be a precursor of serious illnesses, which can subsequently give rise to very crying. Be careful and accurate. These actions allow you to live a long life, healthy and happy.
Pain in right side radiating to the back
The pain, which is centered on the right side of the back, it may indicate that the problems related to the digestive system. The pain in the right side of the user experienced in the area of the back is a symptom of the emergence of one of the following diseases.
In addition, women feel, and other causes of pain in the right side of the user. In the back, frequent urination, sharp pain – these symptoms may be signs of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, in addition to the urgency of diagnosis, it is necessary a careful review and examination of the doctorate.
Advanced adults, women know that during these pains, you go to the popular medicine. At rest, the body will continue to receive the boiled potatoes, white meat. With this power pain will soon pass. If the problem is in the spleen, the help will come from the cooking of rosa mosqueta. This could be a problem in the liver. In this case, you can take five approaches of the spoon of honey with cinnamon before eating and after. The mixture of olive oil, honey, apple cider vinegar, the juice of lemon also cleanse the liver.
Surrounding pain
Be careful and accurate. You can add your comments to this article, subject to the Rules of the discussion. Pain in the right side of the user, which is manifested with the back, belong to the number of the characteristic signs of the pathologies of the respiratory system.

When purulent form of severe headaches on the right, is added to faulty breathing with the affected of the face. The inflammation of the lungs (right-hand pneumonia), accompanied by symptoms such as increased temperature, wheezing in the lungs, the cough. The intensity of the pain is very variable. The spontaneous pneumothorax gives sharp sudden pain, giving in to the paddle.
The pain on the right side of the back: on the nature and intensity of the
The cramping can also be the cause of the pain in this place. To solve the problem, you can use But in Spa, it often goes away by itself. Acute appendicitis can also cause pain in the right side of the user in the rear. This rare symptom appears, if appendicular the stem is located behind the cecum, enlarged, edematous. Glomerulonephritis, mild hydronephrosis, abscess of kidney and other diseases is felt the pain, the, awkward, and acute pain.
In the back there is a feeling of tightness, pain attack intensifies with the movement, it gives on the thorax, the extremities, the groin area. It is also possible the appearance of numbness, "chills". It expresses the pain may be possible if the crisis of the scapula, ribs to the right. Often people who suffer from pain, that is located on the right side of the back, are not, to what specialist to go to, with what authority is related to a problem. The pathology of any of these organs can be a source of pain. When prolonged pains of the liver, was checked in the first place.
Pain attacks can indicate the pathology and injuries of the spine, herniated. It is also likely that failures occur in the urinary system. In this latter situation, the pain is not relieved in any position. There are diseases that require emergency treatment, in some cases, it is a surgical intervention.
In any case, you can not by himself to appoint himself to medicine, without passing by the examining doctor. In the most extreme case, you can use anesthesia to avoid a symptom. However, to get rid of pain is only possible after the removal of the causes of its appearance.
If a diseased organ is to the right, and the pain occurs more frequently on the right, for example, the right-hand side of the kidney may give pain in the right side of the user (the area of the abdomen or back). For example, if the appendicitis, when the appendix is in the lower right part of the abdomen, but the pain would shoot up or in the middle of the belly. Because acute appendicitis can be confused with kidney disease in the pain, the disease of the kidneys may be similar to the symptoms.
Strong, almost knife pain on the right side of the user can cause the obstruction of the vessels. The pain in the right side of the user at the top can cause an acute appendicitis, although the shank is very far away from this stretch of the #8212; in the lower right part of the abdomen. But it can be a situation, when the pain occurs to the right in the side, but your source is an organ located in the left-hand side or in the center. Since the pain in right side radiating to the back, may be a precursor of serious illnesses, which can subsequently give rise to very crying.
The causes of pain below the ribs, that gives in the back
Sometimes people complain that it hurts the right side below the rib and the pain would shoot in the back. The reasons of its cause, may be many, but such discomfort is never the product of chance. For the diagnosis it is necessary to perform a comprehensive study to determine the specific cause of the pain.
The intensity and the nature of the
Often the pain is located on the side where there is the problem of a part of the body. But sometimes the discomfort occurs quite far from the site of the pathology, it comes in a particular part of the body.
Typically, painful sensations are of the following nature:
- cramps – is related to possible reductions of muscles;
- ascending – is characteristic of inflammatory processes;
- acute and acute – rupture or perforation of the authority, internal bleeding, the occlusion of the vessels;
- a shot. Indicates a problem with the peripheral nervous system.

There are other types of pain, but regardless of type, should alert to the person. So that the body alerts you of any violations.
When necessary emergency aid
In case of severe pain, you should call an ambulance, as well as some pathologies require urgent treatment, and sometimes surgical intervention.
There are several symptoms of that the intervention of the physician should be the most quickly:
- sharp or continuous pain in the right side under the ribs or in the back;
- the loss of consciousness;
- dizziness or general weakness.
The main causes of
Focusing on nature and the place of location of the discomfort, you can understand which doctor you should go to:
- right near the central part of the back. Are possible diseases of the kidneys;
- with the shovel item. The cause can be the nerve. Also the pain under the rib irradiation on the right a spatula, it can be noted the presence of diseases of the lungs;
- edges of the irradiation on the right side and the back. Here you will find the gallbladder and liver. Typically, the pain is not relieved by several days, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, tension of the muscles of the stomach;
- the sensation of pain, radiation down the back. It can indicate the presence of intervertebral hernia, or other disorders of the spine. The discomfort can be a symptom of diseases of the urinary system;
- the discomfort in the back, it is increasing by the morning. The problem can be just as uncomfortable mattress and the muscular dystrophy of the back muscles.
Therefore, the causes of the crowd. Take medications without first talking to your doctor, not recommended. It must be remembered that it is in this part of the body there are many vital organs.