Why hurt the muscles of the back

Muscle pain in the back can be the result of injuries, sprains, myositis, or osteochondrosis of the spine. There are other reasons, but these are the main ones. We invite you to examine it in more detail. Since the treatment of the pain in the muscles of the back can not be effective without the timely and correct solution of the factors that provoke it.

So, let's start with the fact that you have pain of the back muscles after great physical efforts. This can be elemental depletion, or the impact of extreme loads if you are not prepared for the workout of the muscle tissue. In order to prevent a similar condition in the future, it is recommended that:

I hurt the muscles of the back
  • carry out necessarily full of the warm-up exercises with stretching exercises of the muscles and tendons;
  • to comply with the water regime (consuming a sufficient amount of liquid in periods of intense classes of physical culture, since dehydration of the muscle fibers leads to an increased risk of develop microscopic breaks and the accumulation of lactic acid);
  • increase physical activity gradually as the strengthening and preparation of the muscle fibers;
  • to deal with (at least in the first time), under the direction of an instructor.

If you already did the muscle pain in the back, then you must immediately stop physical loads. Attach to a cool place in 2 - 3 hours. Then, use a special warming ointment, that improve peripheral blood circulation. If you are sure there are strains and small tears of the muscles, you can apply heat and hot packs. The pain in the muscles of the back to the sport of overload, as a general rule, is held during 3 - 5 days. If during this period it was not the best, it is worth seeking medical help.

In the clinical therapy of manipulation, you can use the services of a professional masseuse. The therapeutic massage can speed up the process of recovery of the muscle tissue and will prepare the future physical effort.

Other causes of pain in the muscles of the back

There are other causes of pain in the muscles of the back. This can be a disease of the spine, related to the violation of posture, or the destruction of the cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral discs. Are pathologies related to deposit of salts, the education osteophytes and other etiological factors of the deformation.

The osteochondrosis pain in the back muscles occur in the phase of exacerbation. This reflector process the tension of the muscular fibres, by which the body tries to compensate for the load of work and to ensure the relative tranquility of the case to the division of the vertebral column. This is causing tension and pain in the muscles that support the one or the other department of the vertebral column.

Back massage

Especially intense muscle pains in the back cause the propeller and of a disc herniation. These diseases lead to injuries and aches and pains of nerve endings. In the context of this pathogenesis of the infection develops sciatica and low back pain (inflammation of the nervous tissue). Broken innervation, and narrowing of the blood vessels in the conditions of the swelling of the soft tissues only aggravate the situation.

Another common cause of muscle pain in the back - myositis. This disease is characterized by inflammatory processes of aseptic filling of the etiology in foci of muscle tissue. Occurs in the context of the exposure drafts, the moment of aggravation of certain chronic diseases, injuries in the muscles, for example, in case of impact.

With prolonged exposure to traumatic, including infectious diseases of the factors in the intercostal nerve endings occurs neuralgia with the morbidity of the muscle fibers. Intercostal neuralgia is different unilateral localization and abrupt of the disease, which is reinforced with a deep inspiration.

The treatment of muscle pain in the back

If you have muscle aches in the back, the treatment must be initiated with a differential diagnosis of the disease. Depending on delivered the final diagnosis, you can resort to the methods of traditional medicine.

When the miosites, sprains of the ligaments and tendon of the device, neuralgia intercostals you can do the therapeutic massage, reflexology, structure, special physical exercises. All this together will help be to regain health and start future sports training.