author Caterina

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  • Pain in the lumbar region turns life upside down, deprives you of comfortable sleep and limits your opportunities. What causes such discomfort and what to do? keep reading
    9 August 2022
  • If it really hurts your back - what should I do? The various causes of the disease. Summary of the most frequent diseases of the provocateurs of the sensations are painful.
    27 July 2019
  • The causes of the occurrence of pain in the back right, the concomitant diseases and the symptoms. The diagnosis of the disease, the assistance and the implementation of preventive activities.
    17 January 2019
  • Practically every person was a pain in the muscles of the back. Its appearance may be harmless of a phenomenon or to give testimony that the man develops a serious illness. Regardless of that, appeared to her, must necessarily seem to be a doctor.
    15 September 2018