Pain in the lower back can occur not only in women in adulthood, but also very often to young people. You can take the or the pain the nature, increasing mobility and the slopes. The causes of shooting pains in the lower part of the back of the women of the crowd, the pain may be the manifestation of a disease, and may be caused entirely by other factors.

Back pain is the most common cause of back pain in the lumbar area
When the back pain is only logical, in the first place, reflect on the state of the joints and spine.
The density of bones determines its tensile strength. After 30 years decreases, which is related to the hormonal changes in the female body and the metabolic disorders. That is why it is a phenomenon that a women is 5 times higher than that of the male population.
When there is loss of bone becomes porous and fragile. It produces a high risk of serious fractures, even with a light fall, as a result of which the elderly person can stay chained to the bed.
In older people the bone density decreases generally by the lack of calcium and lack of hormones – senile or senile osteoporosis. One of the common signs of the disease is pain in the lumbar region. It is also possible curvature of the spine, the deterioration of the posture. The disease is diagnosed usually, when the management of the patient to their doctor about the fractures. If there was more than two fractures, consecutive means, is large, the probability of having osteoporosis.
In a preventive way from 45-50 years, it is recommended to perform an assessment of the bone density to the research, defines the mineral of the mass and density of the bones.
In the treatment of osteoporosis apply drugs of calcium and vitamin D, which helps calcium in the body. Also adjusted diet, nutrition and motor activity.
The defeat of the joints with damage to the cartilage called osteoarthritis. The disease progresses slowly, acquiring a chronic character. The destruction of the cartilage, irreversibly and leads to the deformation of all the elements of the joint - osteoarthritis.
If the process occurs at the level of the lumbar-sacral division, it is known as have spondylo-arthrosis). At the edges of the affected joints forming bone spurs that affect many nerve endings in the lower back. As a result of pain syndrome may develop so much that the man loses the ability to work and forced to be on disability until the end of life.
In women the disease occurs as a result of internal and external factors:

- injuries of the joints;
- the excess load, when the sport or professionals;
- excess weight increases the pressure on the joints;
- the hormonal changes;
- the alteration of metabolism.
Risk factors and hereditary predisposition. Also the likelihood of deformation of the joints increases with age.
Women after 50 years of age as a factor is combined with the menopause, which contributes to degenerative processes in the bone tissue. If the reason you have, the osteoarthritis is considered secondary. If it has arisen it is not clear why, it is known as the main.
As they rebuild the cartilage and provide the structural changes in the joints without the operation is not possible, conservative treatment when osteoarthritis is addressed to reduce the burden and the regulation of the metabolic processes in the bone tissue.
You must get rid of excess weight, avoid lifting loads, in the acute phase of the disease meet semi-bed rest. Apply the analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Arthritis is called the inflammation in the joints. Osteoarthritis is very similar to the control of symptoms, mechanisms, manifestations and causes of the occurrence of osteoarthritis. The difference lies in the degree of severity of the inflammation. In the arthritis pain initially arises from the inflammation of the joint, and already after a while in the chronic form progresses to the deformation, wear and tear of cartilage, the immobility of the joints.
The inflammation is usually acute, manifested as a result of provoking factors (hypothermia, weight transfer, acute respiratory infections). Relieve the inflammation and relieve the state help warming ointments and gels, the reduction of the load and the activity in the period of exacerbation.
The osteochondrosis
Regular back pain can be the consequence of the dystrophy of intervertebral discs – degenerative disc disease. When the lumbar spine osteochondrosis flat and depleted disks are compressed the blood vessels and nerve endings in the lumbar region of the spine.
Together with the restriction of the mobility of the back in women there are other symptoms and complicationsrelated to the violation of the circulation of the blood:
- an error in the menstrual cycle;
- irritability;
- increased sweating;
- the worsening of varicose veins;
- a wave of cold, tingling sensation and tingling in the lower extremities;
- sleep disorders, fatigue;
- disruption of the functioning of the urinary system.

If it is suspected of the osteochondrosis to clarify the diagnosis, prescribed an x-ray of the lumbar region or the ct scan. If the disease is revealed, it establishes the causes. Are the same as that of the osteoarthritis.
Initiated the disease leads to destruction of the vertebrae, the process becomes chronic and irreversible. Stop the progression of the disease and reduce the pain syndrome, in addition to tools, help special braces, orthopedic units of the inserts.
A frequent complication of degenerative disc disease is the inflammation of the bundles of nerve fibers between the vertebrae – low back pain.
Sciatica can be brought on by other causes:
- the sedentary lifestyle;
- intensive training;
- strong tensions;
- of the infection.
The pain in this acute disease, is reinforced by the change of position, sneezing, coughing. This disease can manifest itself throughout life. Medication therapy good effect is not given, therefore, women often turn to popular media: steam, hot compresses, and rub, strip, wool, infusions of herbs.
A hernia of the intervertebral discs
The acute pain in the lower back can be the result of intervertebral hernia, occurs when the displacement of the disc between the vertebrae and crush them of the nerve root. To the appearance of hernias lead curvature of the spine, osteochondrosis, trauma, tumors, tuberculosis.
At an early stage – in the course of several years, the pain may be dull and disappear in the supine position. As you increase the hernia of the nature of the pain changes – it becomes a shot and it hurts, it stretches over the pelvis and the lower extremities. Due to the constant pain spazmiruyutsya muscles, is not completely stretch, it develops the inclination of the back to slouch.
If you do not pay attention to tonsillar the intervertebral disks and run, it is able to cause disappearing of the spinal cord and paralysis.
As a result of all of these diseases of the back can occur a shot in the back – lumbodynia. It is an acute pain syndrome that lasts for several weeks, leading to early disability.
Diseases of the internal organs, the urogenital system
Back can hurt, not only due to problems with the joints and the spine. In the lumbar area are the kidneys, and it means inflammatory processes that occur in them and in the urinary tract may occur with pain in the back. This usually occurs when pyelonephritis and the worsening in the kidneys and is characterized by painful pain.
Among the rare causes of pain, but even so, they found, may indicate: acute pancreatitis, aortic aneurysm.
Gynecological nature of the back pain manifests itself to the endometriosis – inflammation of the lining of the uterus. This condition can also be accompanied by a violation of that cycle, the separations bloody stools, pain in the lower part of the abdomen.
This type of the causes that the treatment is directed not in the lumbar area, and in particular, the authoritythat gives the effect of the pain.
Physiological causes of
Not necessarily the back pain occur as a result of pathological processes. The women are manifested, and the physiological changes in the body.
During pregnancy occur in ob and related to the causes of pains in the back:
- hormonal restructuring;
- the divergence of the bones lonna of the joint;
- threat of miscarriage;
- the increase of the mass of the body;
- the pressure of the uterus on the nerve endings of the spinal column;
- false contractions;
- the beginning of labor.
Must future and, subsequently, the mother breastfeeds to compensate for the lack of micronutrients and nutrients, which depends on the state of the locomotor apparatus.
Back pain during menstruation is a natural phenomenon. In them exerts an influence hormonal restructuring of the body. Before the arrival of the critical days back can become sick due to the accumulation of fluid in the tissues , and the education of the oedema.
The big chest
Someone seems a gift of nature, while for others it is a source of problems. The chest of the fourth and largest size is a prominent weight.
To keep it, while in the vertical position, the spine, the ligaments and the back muscles are constantly tense. This "training" is not useful, that creates that is not typical of the load on the joints, why can they develop back pains, of the items listed above.

The excess weight
Excess weight is a great challenge for the spine and other bones. It can have a negative influence on the state of the cartilage and the health of the intervertebral discs. The obese women there is always a chronic joint disease, and sometimes a "bouquet". With the release of excess weight begins the treatment of the osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis, sciatica.
The climax of the
Menopause plays a very important role in the state of the joints. In women, who to that date have already accumulated back pain, which is aggravated. The same thing that has been able to avoid problems with the joints in youth, in old age, necessarily has to deal with.
Estrogen and progesterone are the female hormones. During the climax of their development is considerably reduced, reorganizes the work of the whole organism. Since sex hormones influence not only in the reproductive organs. Estrogen, for example, participates in the regulation of the nervous system, affects the state of the skin, the chest, the bones.
Domestic the reasons why it hurts the back of women
The reasonsfor the pain of the lower back are:
- be a lot of time sitting in front of the computer or the tv;
- the migration of heavy objects;
- the currents of air, hypothermia;
- the work on the slope of the garden;
- physical load;
- the sedentary lifestyle.
It is no wonder that the pain in the lower back as bother as lazy and people are active too. The girl who posted in the gym of the results and not vilazit from the gym, can surprise you in a moment detect the host of the osteochondrosis. As crumpet eating hamburgers, being all the day in front of the tv.
Wrong seat
By the way, on the seat, not only it is important how you feel, but still and how to. Even in the school all teach us to respect the straight posture. This is of great importance for the prevention of diseases of the back, including the curvature of the spine. Also the upright posture ensures the normal supply of blood and the nutrition of the bones, which allows you to activate metabolic processes, cell renewal, to preserve the youth and health.
The subcool
The cold can cause the swelling as the joints and internal organs – the kidneys, the uterus. When a high index of suspicion can go to a chronic disease. Therefore, moms always teach the daughters to be protected from currents of air, a cold wind and not to sit on cold surfaces.

Beauty requires sacrifice, but the sacrifice of wearing heels can be great. Deformities of the toes, the heel spur and, of course, problems with the spine is what you expect out of fashion and stylish girls in high heels.
Continuous use of high heels, and, in consequence, uncomfortable shoes leads to deformation of the joints of the ankle and the foot. As A result of walking the loads incorrectly distributed throughout the skeleton, including the spine.
The uprising, the placement of weights
Ripped the back can easily, if you move or repair, helping her husband carry the heavy furniture and bags of plaster. Women rarely yes, it will appreciate, and as a result health suffers.
When lifting weights a sprain occurs to the ligaments of the back. Acute pain may occur due to the flow of any type of chronic illness on the back, the escalation of which led to the expansion of the load.
Moderate physical activity, outdoor walks, swimming, the mode of work and rest will help you eliminate the negative factors and prevent low back pain.