The pain in the back and the chest – their causes, which require a special attention. Why it hurts your back and chest? How and why to be cured?
21 August 2019
Back pain: causes, types and treatment of pain in the lower back.
20 July 2019
The back pain in the lumbar area, may be the result of various pathologies of the spine. Read what are the causes of pain and methods of treatment.
1 October 2018
Why pain occurs in the back, right??? Types of pain. The most common problems.
28 September 2018
Why hurt the waist in women, you can reveal only the competent specialist. And, in some cases, the postponement of the visit to a physician in case of low back pain can even be fatal. Armbar syndrome in the lumbar region of the back is manifested with more than 15 different violations of the woman.
18 September 2018
The back pain is probably known to virtually everything the modern man. The ability to work can affect a wide variety of reasons.
15 September 2018
Each pain makes the person uncomfortable, often, so that the body warns you about the presence of a disease. The pain in the right side of the user part of the back may have several causes, but in all cases it requires treatment by a qualified.
24 August 2018